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AC Maintenance

3 AC Maintenance Tips for Las Vegas, NV, Pet Owners

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), pet dander is a common source of indoor air pollution. It can cause problems with your air conditioner. If you’re a pet owner in Las Vegas, NV, spending most of your time indoors due to the extreme heat outside, you need your AC system to function properly. Here are three essential AC maintenance tips to ensure that your air conditioning system operates at its best:

Change Air Filters Frequently

Pets can shed a lot of fur and dander, which can quickly clog your AC filters. You need to check your air filters often and change them every month or two. Doing this will help you improve your indoor air quality and extend the life of your air conditioning system.

Keep Your Supply Air Vents Clean

Pet hair seems to get everywhere, including your carpets and clothing, and it can also get stuck in air vents. This buildup can cause a loss of efficiency and possibly lead to higher energy bills. You can consult our AC maintenance experts to find out about our indoor air quality solutions, including air purifiers and air cleaners. We can help you choose the best for your situation.

Groom Your Pets Outside

If you want to make sure your household enjoys the best indoor air quality possible, frequently brush and groom your pets outside. This can help to significantly reduce the amount of hair and dander in your home. When you thoroughly groom your furry friends, your air conditioning system will be cleaner as well. As a result, it’ll operate more efficiently and keep your cooling costs in check.

By following these tips and investing in an indoor air purifier, you can enjoy a comfortable environment and a reliable and efficient air conditioning system. Whenever you need professional help to maintain or repair your AC system, contact our friendly team at Aloha Air Conditioning.

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