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Repairing Heat Pump

4 Heat Pump Components and Their Purposes

Heat pumps have multiple parts that work cohesively to regulate indoor temperatures for homeowners in North Las Vegas, NV. Each component has a specific role. Let’s discuss some critical heat pump components and their functions.

Air Filter

When your heat pump draws air for heating or cooling, the air passes through a filter before entering the system. The filter catches impurities in the air, ensuring your system’s components remain clean and you breathe fresh air.

Over time, the filter catches multiple pollutants that clog it, blocking enough air from entering your heat pump. Replace your filter regularly to allow air to flow freely into the heat pump.

When shopping for a new filter, always choose one with a high minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) rating between 8 and 13. The higher the rating, the more efficient the filter.

Refrigerant, Indoor Coil and Outdoor Coil

The refrigerant moves heat between the indoor and outdoor coils. When you need the system to cool your home, the fluid draws heat from your indoor air at the indoor coil and relays the heat to the outdoor coil. The outdoor coil helps to transfer the heat to the environment.

When cold weather arrives, the refrigerant draws heat from the surrounding ground and air through the outdoor coil. The fluid then flows to the indoor coil, where it releases the heat to the indoor air.

Schedule regular maintenance services to ensure the coils remain clean at all times. Clean coils allow the refrigerant to absorb and release heat quickly.

Reversing Valve

A reversing valve enables your heat pump to handle both your heating and cooling needs. It changes the refrigerant’s direction of flow depending on the season.


The refrigerant must pass through the compressor after absorbing heat for the compressor to increase its temperature and pressure. By increasing the fluid’s temperature and pressure, the compressor makes it easy for the fluid to release heat.

When any of these parts breaks down, your heat pump cannot keep your home comfortable. Call the heat pump experts at Aloha Air Conditioning when your system fails to meet your temperature needs. Our team will keenly inspect the system to find and address all the underlying problems.

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