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Air Quality Solution

3 Reasons to Invest in Air Quality Solutions in Summerlin, NV

People spend much of their time in their Summerlin, NV, home. For that reason, maintaining indoor air quality is essential for your and your family’s good health. Aside from improving your health, here are three other important reasons to improve your indoor air quality with advanced IAQ solutions:

Reducing Particulates and Humidity

You may not think of it, but cooking and doing laundry increase particulates and humidity in your home. Certain hobbies, such as woodworking or metalworking, can also contribute to the overall level of particulates. Excess humidity sometimes contributes to the rise of biological growths of various kinds within your home as well.

Pollen and dust mites are two common allergens that can build up. Regular HVAC maintenance can help with your indoor air quality, but an air purification system can dramatically reduce the number of particulates in the air. In addition, humidifiers can help maintain a healthy humidity level in your home.

Reducing or Eliminating Awful Smells

Biological growths smell bad. So does thirdhand smoke, which is the residue left all over everything when someone smokes. Pet waste also smells foul.

Household chemicals, such as those used to clean and disinfect surfaces or do laundry, often have overpowering odors. Worse, the fumes can be harmful, so some of these products carry a warning saying, “Use in a well-ventilated area.” Air purification systems can help lessen these smells, improving indoor air quality.

Achieving Better Sleep Quality

When your indoor air quality is poor, the allergens and other particulates can cause you to have symptoms similar to those of the common cold. Reducing the levels of those particulates will lessen those symptoms, making it easier for you to sleep.

Our many decades in the business, accreditation and A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau ensure our customers receive excellent service. To take advantage of our indoor air quality solutions, such as air cleaners and humidifiers, contact Aloha Air Conditioning today.

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