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Signs of Poor Indoor Air Quality and How to Fix Them

Most people are unaware that indoor air can be more polluted than outdoor air. Poor indoor air quality can lead to a variety of health problems, including asthma, allergies and headaches. Read on to learn some of the most common signs of poor indoor air quality and how to resolve them in Henderson, NV.

Musty Smell

A musty smell is usually caused by biological growth inside your home. Biological contaminants can spread through the air and cause respiratory irritation. In worst cases, they induce allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.

To reduce odors, make sure all areas of your home are well-ventilated and clean them regularly. If you notice any areas with standing water or moisture, dry them as soon as possible so that biological growth doesn’t have a chance to occur.

Excessive Dust

Dust particles floating around your house can contribute to many health issues, such as sinus congestion and irritated eyes. To reduce dust in your home, vacuum often and mop all hard surfaces, such as wood or tile floors, at least once a week.

Additionally, replace carpeting with hardwood or other materials that are easier to clean and don’t trap dust particles as much. Finally, be sure to change filters in your HVAC systems regularly so they don’t clog with dust particles and dirt that can circulate through the air inside your home.

Coughs and Colds That Last Longer Than Usual

A common sign of poor indoor air quality is when you experience cold-like symptoms that last longer than usual without improvement. This could be due to allergens present in the home, such as pet dander, dust mites, pollen or other pollutants trapped indoors.

The best approach would be to vacuum and dust regularly. You should also replace your HVAC system’s filter every two to three months.

If you need air conditioning services in Henderson, NV, call Aloha Air Conditioning. Our friendly service technicians are always ready to help.

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