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Old Manual Thermostat

5 Problems With an Outdated Manual Thermostat

As your manual thermostat in Henderson, NV, ages, it becomes less efficient. An inefficient thermostat affects your indoor comfort and inflates your energy bill. We’ll discuss some problems that outdated manual thermostats can cause and why smart models are much better.

Inaccurate Temperature Readings

Typically, a thermostat reads the indoor temperatures and prompts the HVAC system to start working if the temperatures are above or below your preferred level. An outdated thermostat may not read the indoor temperatures correctly due to issues such as wiring problems and dirty components.

Some smart models include sensors that can adjust the temperature according to your daily habits and routines. As a result, you can save money without compromising comfort.

Your HVAC System Runs Constantly

After your HVAC system meets your desired indoor temperature, the thermostat should prompt it to stop working. However, an outdated thermostat may not signal the HVAC system to stop working due to a problems such as anticipator misalignment.

When your HVAC system runs constantly, it consumes too much energy and its parts break down often. Therefore, it’s vital to ask a service technician to inspect the system and the thermostat to find and address the underlying problems.

Your HVAC System Short Cycles

An outdated manual thermostat can make the HVAC system turn on and off multiple times. This problem is called short cycling. When your system short cycles, it fails to distribute the cooled or heated air evenly in your house.

Your HVAC System Fails to Start

Wiring issues and dirty thermostat components may hinder the communication between your thermostat and the HVAC system. As a result, the HVAC system fails to start because it doesn’t receive any signals from the thermostat.

Manual Thermostat Maintenance Issues

Modern smart thermostats alert you on your phone when your HVAC system malfunctions, allowing you to schedule repairs before the underlying issues worsen. They also alert you when it’s time to change your air filter or schedule preventive maintenance. This helps to keep the system in top shape at all times.

On the other hand, a manual thermostat cannot update you on your HVAC system’s health. This allows the underlying problem to worsen before you notice it.

To avoid these issues, consider upgrading to a smart thermostat. Call Aloha Air Conditioning for all your thermostat needs. There’s no HVAC problem we can’t tackle.

Image provided by iStock

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